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Patient Safety Alerts

Educational Resources

Patient Safety Alerts

Patient safety events and near events can happen anywhere at any time. The Patient Safety Alerts that NCPS provides to its members illustrate the importance of reporting events. Topics are selected from our aggregating and analyzing reported events, and identifying patterns and trends. A Patient Safety Alert describes a specific type of event, and provides a comprehensive review and analysis of all similar events that have been reported, including contributing factors and actions taken to prevent future events. 

These shared learning opportunities include links to best practice recommendations and other patient safety-related resources, references, and an organizational self-assessment tool to enable our members to proactively identify risk and develop mitigation strategies to prevent the event from occurring in their healthcare setting. Shared learning opportunities always ask the question, “Could this happen in your organization?"

The list below displays the topics that have been included in patient safety alerts that are available to our members. 

NCPS members can click on the title to login and access these Member Resources.

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